GORTAL’s new album “Deamonolith” will be released on December, 6th2012, under the flag of Pagan Records. Major, the guitarist, commented the forthcoming stuff: “We are devoted to classic Death Metal genre and we ignore trends and fashion. If You expect modern plastic production and arrangements, just do not listen to us. If You still read it,and expect merciless blast beats, crushing tempo shifts, thrilling riffs & solos inspired by ghosts ov early 90ties. Everything emphasised by powerful furious growls! Check out our first blow and stay watchful for another deamon to be unleashed within few days!”
01. D.F.C.
02. Crimens Sollicitationis
03. Doombringer
04. Deliver Into Suffering
05. Deamonolith
06. Dreaming of Being Dead
07. Supernal Refuse
08. Cult of The Cloth
09. I Come in Peace
The full album is available for streaming, click here to listen it.