Svartden – Black is out now!!!

A really highly recommended work for all of you who miss the lost essence of the original Black Metal in the early nineties, the one who played Gorgoroth, Zyklon-B, Immortal or Mayhem… six tracks that are a sonic steamroller full of sickly hate and bad mood, six tracks than be easily described with an only word, the one who entitles the EP, Black…
Black comes in our exclusive A5 sized deluxe digifile with the CD on shining black polycarbonate, in one and only print-run limited to only 66 hand-numbered copies although more than the half of these gone on preorder, and it’s completed with two Fruit of the Loom t-shirt short-runs with different designs, the cover of the EP and the band’s logotype with the EP’s title, limited in both cases to only 15 copies per design, that you can get individually or in a pack at special price…
For more information, visit