CHAOS MOON releasing Amissum on CD. Full stream available

Created and solely instrumentally performed by A. Poole (of Krieg, Martröð, Esoterica, Skáphe, Lithotome) with a little vocal contribution from E. Baker (Manetheren), this new EP captures the band’s trademark, densely-layered black metal sound in its most ethereal form. Written and recorded between 2012-2016, Amissum stands as a collection of tracks that were not intended to be included on any full-length album. Compared to the original version, self-released digitally in September 2015, the CD edition will contain two previously unpublished bonus tracks – one being from the same session as the rest (Resurrection III), the other brand new (Amissum). The cover photo was taken by H.V Lyngdal (Wormlust).
1. Amissum
2. Resurrection I
3. Resurrection II
4. Resurrection III
5. To Transcend The Spine
6. Illusions of Dusk and Dawn (Rerecord)
Album stream: