Darknagar Productions – 2012 – Greece
Greek Black/Death band Disolvo Animus has released their long waited album after released a few demo is called “Aphesis”. Album released by Russian extreme metal label Darknagar Productions. I realize that this band playing harsh and brutal black metal as a style of Behemoth,Dimmu Borgir,Watain etc. but they called themselves to symphonic black metal i haven’t got any symphonic parts with this album so far. Recently they are kicked some ass their studio performance, i think it’s awesome technical background and professional compositions.
As a musical performance they have brilliant guitar riffs and excellent drum blastings. They prefer brutal vocal than scream you can say try to be Nergal style from Behemoth. I would recommend all fans who like Behemoth,Watain stlye extreme metal bands you will be full satisfied this band,come on !