SHOCK TROOPERS ”Blades and Rods”

Punishment 18 Records – 2010 – Italy
Again, I’m working for Italy 🙂 Band was formed in 2001, they recorded 2 demos and after that their second album was out in February by Punishment 18 Records. This is the first album that band released via a label. Album attracted me with the cover in the label’s site, violated but still funny.
Album starts with an intro, Metal Slug game’s track and it goes on like that. Recording and production is too much for the style, maybe.
They make a old school-thrash metal mixture with social and swearword lyrics. They kept the underground soul, recording technology is modernized but still they make old school music. We should see them on stage.
If you like underground soul, crossover and old style works with a clean record, I suggest this album violently, like in the cover of the album.