PENTAGRAM CHILE ” The Malefice ”

Cyclone Empire – 2013 – Chile
PENTAGRAM CHILE are one of the primary rocks of the Chilean Thrash Metal. Already since 1986 in the underground on the way they put in the year 2013 their latest opus “The Malefice“ on the market.
PENTAGRAM CHILE roll like a steamroller towards the listener. Thereby they take no prisoners and crush everything which obstructs. PENTAGRAM CHILE play Old School Thrash Metal the way it should be. Diversified traditional riffs come upon Death Metal speckles now and then. Thereby can also develop solis which may be once in a while halting or repetitive. The all in all ten songs move in the upper mid tempo area. As the gents turn in an incredible speed the entire playing time the neck muscle is here in continuous running! The vocals are snotty, cheeky and offers the entire pallet of the Thrash Metal. Very forceful bass-lines give additional main points. “The Malefice“ comes across fresh and unconsumed. You notice here that grown musicians were at works who know what they want. This also continues at the production which is professional and was done nevertheless with big joy of playing. PENTAGRAM CHILE show with “The Malefice“ that Thrash Metal is also not dead in the year 2013! A must-buy for all fans!!!!