Obsessör ”Assassins Of The Petagram”
Evil Spell Records -2014 -Germany
OBSESSÖR from Detmold, Germany, are already existent since 2009. They released at the end of May 2014 their latest opus “Assassins Of The Pentagram“ via Evil Spell Records.
The opener “Return Od The Ursuper“ initially stars very calm and solid. You could almost think that it is about a soundtrack for a horror movie. But, this impression is suddenly destroyed very fast. Now, OBSESSÖR show their true musical colours. Old School Thrash Metal is the subject. Loud, intense and of ravenous energry characterized songs. They rekindle the spirit of the old Thrash Metal productions. Screaming guitars and street attitude give the production a sound musical base frame. The genre typic vocals do yet one last thing to let the music sound fresh and unconsumed. OBSESSÖR done here all correct and delivered a flawless cd without any technical folderol or excursions into other realms. The listener knows here what he gets and not only musically. The evil lyrics also fit well in the overall concept. A must for all Thrash Metal fans!!!!