Golden Core – Kosmos Brenner (Lyric Video)

All music & lyrics written by Golden Core
Kosmos Brenner is the first single from the forthcoming album of the same name, which will be released on LP, CD, and streaming on February 2, 2024. Kosmos Brenner is a concept album based on the Norse worldview, where life in all its fragility is created in the eternal balance of opposites, between fire and ice, light and darkness, cold and heat, as a product of chaos and chance. Life and world order can only exist and be maintained in the balance between these enormous forces of chaos, constantly fighting each other and constantly threatening our existence. The struggle is eternal and represents the past, present, and future. In the great abyss, Ginnungagap, the lifeless primordial Yme floats and gives birth to jūtunn offspring. This threatens the balance, so the gods kill Yme, and from his body, the world and cosmos as we know them emerge.