BRUTALCORE/GORE OBSESSED ”2 Bone Chilling Shockers” [Split]

Extreminal Productions – 2010 – Turkey/Netherlands
Well, what do we have here? A split CD between one Turkish and one Dutch band.”2 Bone Chilling Shockers” starts with four tracks of brutal classic death/grind performed by the Turkish BRUTALCORE. They play fast and aggressive and have a very talented growler in the face of the vocalist Murat. BRUTALCORE strike with three original pieces and one brutal cover of MORTICIAN’s “Dead And Buried”. The other half of this split CD belongs to GORE OBSESSED – actually a one-man project. Justin from The Netherlands performs all instruments and vocals. His style of death metal is heavily influenced by IMPETIGO but heavier and more brutal. GORE OBSESSED offer five original tracks of pounding extreme death metal telling stories of zombies and necrofilia. The sixth piece is again a MORTICIAN cover – this time the track is “Slaughterhouse”. “2 Bone Chilling Shockers” is definitely worth your time if you consider yourself a death metal fan.It sounds pretty heavy so you should give an ear to the music of this two promising bands!