ARATIC ”To The Early Grave”

Violent Journey Records – 2013 -Finland
The Fins ARATIC put in June 2013 their debut cd on the market. It is called“To The Early Grave“ and is distributed via Violent Journey Records.
The four gents rekindle here the Thrash Metal of the 80-ies. Raw, straight and without detours into the listeners’ face. Thereby ARATIC sound fresh and unconsumed. The all in all nine songs move forwards and show remarkable speed. Straight from the street implemented in notes it remains no time for gadgetries. Old school riffs and a strong rhythm fraction put “To The Early Grave“ their very own mark on without leaving their genre. The snotty, cheeky vocals of guitarist and vocalist Henri Virolainen still do one last thing! Very dedicated and professional recorded ARATIC show here what they have down pat musically. An all around successful debut of the Fins. The listener will be delighted. You feel straight relegated into the heyday of the Thrash Metal! So,
buying is here duty for all Thrash Metal fans!!!!