Hello everyone, As Extreminal Metal TV and Web Magazine, we listen to dozens of new bands every day. Some of them come to us from our business partners, some of them we discover on our own.
We receive countless e-mails. We have been running a blog series on the Turkish section of Extreminal.com for a while now and we have completed 12 chapters. In these 12 episodes, we have shared more than 200 songs with our followers.
From now on, we are planning to introduce the bands that come to us in this video format. This first video represents a bit of a test phase. We received quality and paid artificial intelligence voiceover support. We converted our comments and press releases from the bands into videos in this way and added short excerpts from the bands’ songs into the video. (Unfortunately, some songs may have been muted due to copyright, even though we got the rights through Submithub, YouTube doesn’t know about it!)
In this episode we are starting with 10 bands, depending on the interest and relevance, this number may increase and the periods of the content may become shorter. Time will tell. The bands in this video are completely randomized and the first band or the last band do not have any priority or are not headliners.
I realize I’ve gone on and on and on, but this explanation was necessary.
Note: Please don’t forget to like, comment and share the video so that it reaches more listeners! You can also support us financially by clicking the JOIN button and Thank You.
Let’s move on to the bands…
Intro: 00:00 – 00:47
Fallen Fortress – The Source 00:48 – 01:22
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4WdkjevNuRa2wuF63i3lRt
Seventh Circle – Raging Envy 01:23 – 02:19
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0AWRm0qBbND8RKjsCmhxnc
Arcane Sanctuary – He’s Waiting 02:20 – 03:07 (The band’s song was blocked due to copyright by Youtube) Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2HKCGSYPM0w8rwxhmrZ5Z3
L.O.S.T Feat Vanda Restye – The Trial 03:10 – 04:16
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4vpKiIKpzU3epsipb7XbhS
Kardroz – Incarnation 04:17 – 05:17
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2NyOPKOSei6LNKbSE6VLvz
Ishimura – Planets Of Pugs 05:18 – 06:15
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5rW1WA1bmrFoUUeLsLebhl
As We F*cked – Nation Of Grin 06:16 – 07:16
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/intl-tr/track/69mLdpC6b0iYY79lhf6X1G
Kingsphere – Archetype 07:17 – 08:27
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4Sye4PjGd7hLDPl0Ir16l4
Machukha – Trymatys’ 08:28 – 09:47
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/14kfYYo03xytOW74JC9jgO
Misantropia Miscelanea – Crack 09:48 – 10:39
Contact: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7vDa8EpBwkqy6nWOsi4Rsa —
10:40 – Outtro