Withing Hour Productions – 2011 – Poland
Firstly I need to say this is a side project of “Infernal War” member’s. Similar to the sound of all the members of Infernal War’s. But style is a little different . IW is playing only Black/Death metal , but Voidhanger playing Black/Death/Thrash Metal. Also you can find heavy metal riffes on these songs. When I get this album, I didn’t know anything about this band. And when I listened first song -also including intro- I was shocked. Because same sound, same fastness, same hate and same power and vocal style with IW.
Album cover art is classic manipulation, a girl or guy scared by a great knife and that guy or girl in fluu mod we can see all details of person. But I can say this ; Voidganger members nicely killed a ‘holiness’ on this cover art. First song “Wrathprayer” have carasteristic features with IW songs. Drums, Bass, Guitars and Vocal style is same, only different thing is thrash and heavy riffes. Drums are very nice, very fast, very strong. Blast beats, double bassess and other things all is in professional stuff.
And lyrics about; satanism, death and other brutal topics of metal. This polish guys really proof metallers. They know how can play metal. Yes now I can say you; “Inferanl War” and “Voidhanger” hordes are most good bands from Polish for me .”Son of Cain” is a very nice song and you can reminded all day it after when you hear. There is too riffs about thrash metal, stopping, mid tempo drums, attacks and etc. all is good. We can’t find drummers like this in here . Maybe Polish drummer move here for us hahah !
Album have a nice song named “VOID”. This song is 2 minutes and 57 seconds. Mid tempo on all instruments. Escpecially 8. song (the vampire beuthen) is really
Black/Death Metal song. You can not find other riffs like in this song. In the top of the song we can find some partitions from Death and Black Metal riffes
in the mid of song.So I think it is a very nice album. But this is not too different album with “Infernal War”. So Infernal War can record and release this!
This wouldn’t be a problem.
This is a hit album for me.