Vital Remains
On the 9th July (on 31st July in US via MVD) Metal Mind Productions will release a live DVD of the icon of extreme death metal – Vital Remains.
Release entitled “Evil Death Live” brings us one hour of gloom and ultrafast massacre recorded during the band’s performance at the Metalmania Festival 2007 (Katowice, Poland). The track list is comprised of songs from a very well received album “Dechristianized” as also from the band’s latest outstanding release “Icons of Evil”. The DVD is enhanced with the interview with Tony Lazaro (one of the band’s founders) and Dave Suzuki, live bootleg footage and many other surprises. Also available in a limited DVD+CD swing case edition, including a bonus CD with songs recorded at the gig.
vArtwork was done by Graal.
1. Intro I – Where Is Your God Now
2. Icons of Evil
3. Scorned
4. Born to Rape the World
5. Hammer Down the Nails
6. Intro II – Let the Killing Begin
7. Dechristianized
8. Infidel
9. Devoured Elysium
Bonus video:
CD (only available with a limited DVD+CD edition)
1. Intro I – Where Is Your God Now
2. Icons of Evil
3. Scorned
4. Born to Rape the World
5. Hammer Down the Nails
6. Intro II – Let the Killing Begin
7. Dechristianized
8. Infidel
9. Devoured Elysium
Also includes:
– Interview with Tony Lazaro and Dave Suzuki
– Photo gallery
– Biography
– Discography
– Desktop images
– Weblinks
– Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound