VELIGORE ”Veligore”
Self Released- 2013- United States
The New Yorkers VELIGORE propagated this year their debut cd “Veligore“ in-house production to the hungry Metal folk.
You can hear Black Metal of the more melodic kind. Pitch-black Black Metal frameworks are merged with melodic parts to an independent musical mass. Thereby it is in no way about the already loads of times before heard black mishmash. The gloomy basic structures are broken-up and filled with a bit of life by variable riffs and spoken passages. The used synthesizer sounds which also might go well together with a vampire movie give the production a morbid side. Powerful drumming supports and manifests the hardness of “Veligore“. Different tempi make it additional difficult to the listener to find access to the cd. The acoustic establishing shots whereby is also massively experimented with sounds and tones give an avant-garde touch which far exceeds small excursions into unknown realms. The vocals come in rather saving. The all in all eleven songs rather act also without growls and nagging vocals and make a lasting impression on the listener. The lyrics deal with darkness and the creatures of the night. VELIGORE created therefore no easy dark opus. But, it’s worth it to go on this musical journey. Very imaginative and dedicated recorded I can only recommend “Veligore“ to each receptive Black Metal listener!!!!