
DESPONDENCY ”Revolutions IV ”

IMHO Despodency is one of the sickest bands in the Eastern Europe and Germany, the can even be in top three. I am expecting filthier stuff from their contract with Brutal Bands, but I
must say that things are going faster than I expect. Right now their Revelation IV album is
banging the walls of my room. First impressions of the album are brutal anectods, highly
successful recording quality and chaotic composition arrangements. Right amount of sometimes catchy sometimes slammin’ guitar riffs together with powefull bass partitions
technical and mind ripping blast beats, groovy and well played drums lets no one to speak
without a praise. If I have to criticize one thing t would be guitars can be dull for time to time
for my taste of riffs. Other than that the symphony of brutal death metal of these merciless off springs of the Prussians is not an album to miss. For the fans of this kind of music it is a
must-have album for your archive.


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