Thy Darkened Shade
“Eternvs Mos, Nex Ritvs” is the title of Thy Darkened Shade’s debut album, released via W.T.C ( ), which musically is a mix of raw yet technical Black Metal, with Old School, Avant-garde and even some 80’s Trash Metal influences. The serious-thought-out concept and the sheer & sinister brutality convinced us right from the start and this Greek Band definitely deserves some attention.A Pro-Tape & Vinyl version will follow at a later point this year. Check out the samples to get an impression. The CD comes with a greatly designed 20 pages booklet & a slipcase.

01.Deceased Ambience
02.Reconstruction of Soul and Matter
03.The Great Serpent Self
04.To Suffer the Perpetual Curses
05.Narrow Fields of Life
06.For Sinister Might
07.Inferior Deathplan
08.The Clandestine Insight of Immorality
The Band sums up the concept of “Eternvs Mos, Nex Ritvs” as follows:
Thy Darkened Shade’s Eternvs Mos, Nex Ritvs signifies the eternal quest for the freedom of pneuma ((Eternal Will)) and the death of life ((Rites of Death)) along with the end of the limited cosmic re-birth and the final restoration of what once was and what will become.
The energies that this ancient grimoire summons therein begin from Gamaliel, after the permission of our Goddess Naamah has been granted, in order to open the gates of the unconscious. It is from Gamaliel that our Spider Goddess grants us the wisdom to manipulate our dreams and the dreams of our opfers by giving back to Her the life-force of the enemies of ageless light.
Hence,the path starts from the astral plane and with the guidance of Abnukta ((Deceased Ambience)) our darkest desires begin to unveil themselves. From the Black Moon She weaves her spider web to the other Qliphotic shells, while She endeavors eternal union with Samael by the awakening of the Kundalini force ((Tanin’iver)) in order to unite the Black with the Red Dragon ((Taninsam)). They ((Samael-Lilith)) construct in that way The Great Serpent Self ((Qayin)) and the 11 headed manifests.
Moreover, it is through Daath that the personal Wyrd of the magician ((Reconstruction of Soul and Matter)) uncovers itself and the gate to Sitra Ahra opens ((To Suffer the Perpetual Curses)). For this is the gate that has been empowered by the curses ((Narrow Fields of Life)) and the Sinister Might of our evil deeds will eventually summon warfare that will lead the cosmic nothingness ((Inferior Deathplan)) to the Primordial Waters of Tehom, thus the pleroma arrives and the dreams become soundless again ((The Clandestine Insight of Immorality)).