THE MOTH GATHERER ”A Bright Celestial Light”
Agonia Records – 2013 – Sweden
The Swedes THE MOTH GATHERER put in April 2013 their debut cd “A Braight Celestrial Light“ via Agonia Records on the scene.
To categorise the music of THE MOTH GATHERER is simply impossible. Progressive base frames come upon different musical genres. Halting riffs which make leeway into the Doom area give the production a depressive undertone. This is relaxed a bit by melodic passages now and then inserted without thereby sounding too happy. Synthesizer speckles which can also go into the Gothic area reinforce the innovative character. Also at the guitar work is vigorous poached in other realms. Thereby originates a large multifacetedness. This is is only after repeated listening in its variety accessible to the listener. The melancholic, very emotional vocals round off the general impression positively. “A Braight Celestial Light“ got no easy to consume cd. THE MOTH GATHERER show here what they have musically down pat. It is presented Progressive music sometime something else and nevertheless very worth hearing. Getting curious? Then check out THE MOTH GATHERER and generate your own judgement!!!