TAMAS KATAI ”Slower Structures”’

This is the second album of Tamas Katai, the mastermind behind Thy Catafalque. The music in his side project is way different comparing to that which we already know from his main band. First of all, it doesn't have so much other influences like we know from Thy Catafalque.And second, this music has nothing to do with what we heard so far from him. The music on this album is more deep, slower and it goes more into the Doom style combined with some Tenhi influences. Very deep and emotional, specially for a rainy day like this one on which I am writing this review. The first few songs here are short and it seems like a soundtrack to some old movie. The production also gives that certain touch to the music as well. 13 songs are here on this album and they are all done in this style. It is hard to say which of these songs in the best, since they are not in the category made for hits, bit non less, this album is surely worth attention. This album is available via download over the bandcamps page (https://tamaskatai.bandcamp.com/album/slower-structures) and as a CD which is limited to 100 copies.