Maryland Deathfest 8
For 7 years nearly 200 bands which had performed on stage representing 18 countries, giving power to the Maryland Deathfest so one more is on it’s way. Taking place in 28-30th May on Sonar, Baltimore; the festival combining death metal, grindcore, thrash, hardcore, black metal in one stage announced the line up list:
Watain, Possessed, Gorguts, D.R.I., Nazxul, Coffins, Stormcrow, Malignancy, Putrescence, Defeatist, Trap Them, Gride, Birds Of Prey, Jesus Crost, Sodom, Melechesh, Autopsy, Incantation, Impaled, Asphyx, The Chasm, Haemorrhage, Deceased, Fuck The Facts, Total Fucking Destruction, Sulaco, Jucifer, The Communion, Howl, Ingrowing, Obliteration, Wolfbrigade, Sadistic Intent, Blood Duster, Verbal Abuse, Fang, Portal, Obituary, Entombed, Naglfar, Pestilence, Malevolent Creation, Converge, Pentagram, Gorod, Eyehategod, Sinister, Necrophobic, Circle Of Dead Children, Tombs, Rottenness, Surroundings, Honkey Kong, 16, Capitalist Casualties, Captain Cleanoff, Rompeprop, Gridlink, Magrudergrind.