IMPIOUS ”Death Domination”
Metal Blade Records – 2009 – Sweden
The Swedish band Impious that taking stage since 1994, is with us with their 6th full album, ‘Death Domination’ coming out from Metal Blade Records.’Abomination Glorified’ with head-breaking drums and sharp guitar parts is a solid entrance for the 10 track album. Afterwards comes ‘The Demand’ and ‘I Am The King’ with the feel of the striker. When ‘… And Empire Shall Fall’ stars with a clean introduction you’ll start thinking that it’s a different track, but it comes back in the same direction of fast and wild like the rest of the album.The only that might bother you, is the feeling that every track looks to combine together. It’s a really fast album. Martin Akesson is self confident, screaming faster and louder. Also the album cover is definitely fitting the album as it reflects Death Domination! It’s an album with 15 years of experience and a neverending noise…