
HORNCROWNED ”Satanic Armageddon”

Ketzer Records – 2006 – Colombia

Horncrowned are one of the most aggressive bands in Colombia. They are vomiting their hate to the world with their second album “Satanic Armageddon”. This album has one of the most colorful booklets that has been released from Ketzer records. The artwork is really cool.

The band is like a usual Ketzer Records band; fast, aggresive, merciless and satanic. In a song they tell us their ideology about TBMM (true black metal mafia). Really the band’s music is beyond good, it never slows down, like a classical South American band they have their hyper-speed side. Some may not like it, but i listen to it every day.

The use of effects on the vocals are clearly seen, in my opinion ugly vocals really fits this kind of music. The drums are real (acoustic), most bands use drum machine (including me), if you have drummer that can play, he will play. At least they don’t say: “this is the style” instead of accepting they can’t play.

There are some salutings to Marduk at the cover art. A goat heaed on panzer, written 666 commando on panzer, skeletons and panzers again on an orange font, the goat head skeletons are on a war against world. In the booklet there band’s lyrics and photos, they are on war with everything, too much TBMM. The best songs are; “Christophobic Campagin of Annihiliation,Satanic Armagedon,T.B.M.M,Hatred Anthem,Crowned in Hell”…


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