GLORIOR BELLI ” Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls ”

Agonia Records – 2013 – France
The French GLORIOR BELLI are heard from again. “Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls“ is their latest opus and is distributed via Agonia Records.
To pigeon-hole the music of GLORIOR BELLI would not belie the complexity of the music. Dark base frames which are assigned in the broadest sense mix with several other musical genres to an independent, musical mass. Thereby are excursions in the Doom Metal Rock area not uncommon. Yes, you can even hear Stoner elements. Exactly this composes the richness of variety and the bands’ individuality. The all in all eleven songs all move in the mid tempo area. “Gators Rumble, Chaos Unfurls“ got a fresh, energy-rich cd which never loses its dark basic keynote. Here were definitely professionals at work. You can hear this with each note. GLORIOR BELLI improve themselves with each production which benefits the production as a whole. Who is into a mature nixture of styles in the Metal area should grab here by all means!!!!