
GARAGEDAYS ”Dark And Cold”

Massacre Records – 2011 – Austria

Here comes another band from the mighty land of “Abigor” and “Belphegor”. “Garagedays” here is a heavy metal band with no special feature but its heaviness, knowing exactly how to mix their music as fast and melodic as it required. If you went to a music store and found this album on its shelves, then hold your breath for a heavy metal album that is worth the listen.

Last Breath is the opening track. I am not so sure if they’ve chosen this name on purpose or not, but you will have your last breath for at least 41:15 minutes of pure heavy music, combining clean and distorted guitars in a way that heavy metal must be. Also, you can find that ballads are next to the full on Metal Massacres in this record.

I personally found no need to describe anything in this album, but to let you know, you can find guitars combining Iced Earth, Metallica’s Black Album and a few Judas Priest touches with speed riffs and heavenly classical clean parts. Guitar solos are nice and this lead guitarist surely knows what he is doing.

The drums are another story to tell, this band drummer is a great musician with a technical and fast way of drumming.

Bass in this album refused to stay in the rhythm area, showed up in some places and gives us an intro in the track “Black Bridges”.

The vocals are strong, even stronger than heavy metal requires that’s it’s even close to Grave Digger’s vocalist style. But that’s not a good thing at some places, such as in the track “Father” that needed smoother vocals. That mistake that you may find confusing somehow was avoided in the track “Four” that included double layer vocals with a female voice.

The quality of the recording is not as clear as it must be. Considering this as an underground album gives it a good outlook, but if you are looking for a mainstream band here then I am sorry, man. You won’t find any of what you are looking for here.

After all, this record is worth adding to your library.


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