Free Hammerheart Records Download Sampler now ready to be abused
Eleven tracks of our most recent and upcoming releases combined, and a first opportunity to get a Rebaelliun, Sol Sistere, Tarnkappe and Sig:Ar:Tyr track before their album releases. Spread the word and crank up your stereo when you give this a blast! Neighbours go hide in the cellar.
1. Rebaelliun – Legion 03:48
2. SIG:AR:TYR – Vinland 06:14
3. Cirith Gorgor – Salvator 07:56
4. Collision – Cripple The Cross 01:32
5. Coffins – Stairway To Torment 04:20
6. Sol Sistere – Death Knell 07:22
7. Tarnkappe – Bodemkruiper 04:31
8. Taphos Nomos – Mycelium – Corrupted Corpse 05:53
9. Windfaerer – Finisterra 07:51
10. Kjeld – Tûzen Sinnen 04:50
11. Lucifer’s Fall – The Suffering Wizard 07:26