FERAL ”From The Mortuary”

Cyclone Empire / Sureshot Worx -2016 – Sweden
The Swedes FERAL released in December 2016 their latest trick which is called “From The Mortuary“ via Cyclone Empire / Sureshot Worx.
It gets here down to the nitty-gritty from the first note on! You can hear Death Metal of the coarse kind! In a stunning speed played songs which doesn’t let miss of hardness and power. Without a lot of detours straight and uncompromising riffs. The relentless doubleblast drumming put yet the final kick. The neck verlebra are very busy here. The dark growls of David Nilsson do one last thing n order to give the songs the necessary darkness and sustainability. FERAL definitely take here no prisoners and go through with their musical visions merciless. Nevertheless the production never gets boring. By conscious implemented gimmickry concerning the speed “From The Mortuary“ remains in steady motion and doesn’t stagnate. Professional recorded you should take FERAL to the heart by all means !!!!