CHRIST DENIED- ” Cancer Eradication”
Xtreem Music – 2013 – Spain
In case you are a death metal fan then there is a good chance that you have listened to the premier Spanish death metal band AVULSED.CHRIST DENIED is a two-men project consisting of Dave Rotten from AVULSED doing the vocals and Roger Infected from INFECTED FLESH doing everything else (guitars/bass/drum programming).”Cancer Eradication” is their second full-length album (the debut CD “…Get What He Deserved” was released in the distant 1996) and what you’ll find here are nine tracks (the last one being a cover version of the US death metal act IMPRECATION) of high-speed brutal death metal.Don’t expect from CHRIST DENIED to sound similar to AVULSED.Their sound is raw,fast,dark and with some unique grunts coming out of Dave Rotten’s throat.The opening track “Weak Lunatics” made me laugh with amusement – Dave’s growls are so fast and low that he sounds like a human machine gun behind the mike.Don’t know if he uses any lyrics though because not a single word can be heard from al
l this gurgling.Some seconds he sounds like a pig,some seconds he sounds like a deranged death metal duck or something.Totally unique approach to the vocals any way!The sound of the guitars and bass is on a good level and the drum machine programming is fine too.As a whole CHRIST DENIED’s music can be described as elements from MORTICIAN and INCANTATION mixed with some slam death metal passages.Not a bad album and if you are in need of extreme metal with sick vocals definitely hear this CD!