BIO-CANCER ”Ear Piercing Thrash”
Athens Thrash Attack – 2011 – Greece
I have met with Bio-Cancer that play thrash metal from Greece through their split album with Destructive. There were really great songs. Their album must have been delayed. It has been just delivered to us too. The term they have come up with is “Ear piercing thrash metal”. Whatever anyone says, the term just fits the music.
We might say their genre is speed/thrash metal. At this genre, the band everyone is speaking about at last years, Municipal Waste is leading the way, the influence could be heard at this album also, if you listen to it closely. Wild scream vocal’s tone is really nice, but when it goes high, you can not understand what is being said. This is the only negative thing about the vocals. If you like in your face tones and looking to hear that in that way at drums, you are going to be disappointed, ’cause drums are not recorded very cleanly and precise. Instead, song structures and compositions are driven by guitars and vocals welcomes us.
As you could guess the album, from beginning to end, is very aggressive and just like it has to be. Time to time, songs give their respect to old school punk/crossover bands. The band mixed the 80’s wild riffs with the new style speedy thrash metal in a very good way. If we could sum it up, the band is very aggressive, sharp, protest, the riffs are wicked and the album is special.
Songs named “Spread the Cancer”, “You Scream You Die”, “Ear Piercing Thrash” are very good. The artwork of the album is done by Andrei Bouzikov that has been also worked with Municipal Waste. Young Bio-Cancer promises a great future, looking forward to their next releases.