Auroch – Stolen Angelic Tongues
20 Buck Spin – 2020 – Canada
The Canadians AUROCH are already since 2008 musically active as a band. They released at April, 24th 2020 via 20 Buck Spin a new mini-LP. It answers to the name of Stolen Angelic Tongues“.
After a short intro („Shattering The Axis Mundi“) which rather reminds of a chanson than of Metal music AUROCH show with the following song “Hideous New Gods“ their true musical cloven hoof. Death Metal which can’t be even darker. Very technical recorded. But, stop! Who expects here a sterile technical Death Metal production barks up the wrong tree! Classical Death Metal riffs which nevertheless own a lot of crash and power fit well into the overall structure. They prevent boredom and stupidity by diversified solis. Together with forceful bass-lines and a fast, powerful double-blast drumming the production receives a bit identity. The ear-piercing pitch-black growls of Culain which sometimes also poach into the Grindcore area are here the icing on the cake. Meanwhile, AUROCH are miles away from the originally Thrash Metal an that’s a good thing! Although the production isn’t high tech, listen to “Stolen Angelic Tongues“. It’s worth it!!!!