
First Single From Dark Valley’s Upcoming Album “Tales from Dark Valley” Is Published

The 1st single from Dark Valley‘s upcoming album “Tales from Dark Valley”. Dark Valley is, as poet Georg Trakl writes, a place where green evening fogs rise and a lonely calling resounds through the forest.

If life is a journey and death is part of it, would you at least enjoy the view?

Dark Valley is, as poet Georg Trakl writes, a place where green evening fogs rise and a lonely calling resounds through the forest. In this secret place, we will have Shakespeare’s Ophelia, our main character, who drowns in the river after so much despair, dealing with a second chance to live and to have a voice.

Ophelia represents much of women’s long time dilemmas. Our music intends to show, in an artistic platform, how many social issues begin with voices being silenced. Would her destiny be different if she were not a girl? Do you listen to the loud noise we make, our fights and our pain? We are really sure underground metal is the proper force that can bring attention to everyone who is dealing with hard moments – put it out and you will find your peace.

Last but not least, even knowing that part of the reason why you may end up in Dark Valley is out of your control, you will certainly find out the prize of being able to feel this place is a conquer on its own. Your old karma will find belonging. Look for the three signs in the sand.

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